Another news item today in the UK as completely outraged me, the case of Ruth Kelly MP and a former Education Secretary in the Labour-run government.
Ruth Kelly MP has consistently advocated in public the merits of the UK public school education system in reference to children with special educational needs and that they should be educated within the public mainstream system.
However, when push comes to shove and to show her support and convictions in the Labour Party's policies and increased spending on Special Educational Needs and in the efficiency of a system that she so glowingly advocated and recommended while she has been an MP and an Education Secretary; she and her husband have decided to send their son who has Special Educational Needs to an Independent fee-paying School for children with Special Educational Needs, on the premise that it was a decision that she and her husband took privately in the best interests of their child and that she would not be accepting in financial assistance from the Local Education Authority in which she resides towards this She has totally by-passed the public educational system and the waiting time that is in place for the statementing, the educational psychologist and social worker's report; which for any other member of the public, who do not have the choice, or who cannot afford to get their child into an independent school for children with SEN, they have to wait for a MINIMUM of 6 months (government's official waiting time), though in actual practice (and from personal experience), this time could be doubled and their would be no guarantee that the child after statementing would be granted a place at one of these prestigious independent schools for SEN.
What I would like answers on is:
1. If Ruth Kelly or any other MP, Congressman etc who publicly advocates, supports and actively pursues, through their position they hold, or have held within a government, that is paid for out of the public purse, do they have the right to pursue a policy that is completely the opposite and contradictory to the public policies and practices that they actively pursue, advocate and support in public because they have the ability to pay, courtesy of the public
2. Will Ruth Kelly and her husband be taken to the European Court of Human Rights by the British Government and her and her husband be charged with depriving their child of a public school education, as has happened to the German parents that wished to homeschool their child?
3. Is Ruth Kelly MP and Tony Blair (the Prime Minister of Britain, who supports Ruth Kelly's decision and who sent his children to private schools, whilst advocating that public schooling is best) hypocrites in the decisions they have made?
4. Is it a matter that the general public of a nation, have to follow one set of rules, but the government/legislature of those rules can follow another set of opposite rules where their own family is concerned, based upon their abilities to pay, which has been from the public purse? (a philosophy of everyone is entitled to the same resources, but some are more entitled than others)
Let's take a hypothetical scenario and give it a more realistic feel. I am pro-homeschooler and advocate that all parents should have the choice to homeschool their child if they so wish and should be treated with TOTAL EQUALITY. I write strong and persuasive replies to blogs and post content on my own blog, to the same effect but I do not get paid for posting my blogs and replies from the sites that I blog and comment on.
In my pursuit of obtaining additional revenue to supplement my living expenses, I come across a site http://www.blogsvertise.com/ who will pay me to review websites and give my opinion, whether positive or negative on the site and content. I decide to join up, I am approved and I am offered only one site to review from blogsvertise and offered $25 to review a public school website, who's content advocates the advantages of a public education and the advantages that the school in the public education system can provide over homeschooling. I review the website carefully including layout, graphics and content. They back up their claims with detailed educational research. It all looks very professional and very convincing. I decide to write an unbiased and honest view of the website and its content of about and I return my feedback on my account on the http://www.blogsvertise.com/ website.
My submission is accepted, they are delighted with the quality and content of the review I have submitted and more work, of the same type of websites, are offered. Each of them I review in the same unbiased way and give my honest opinions, based upon the same criteria, as I applied to the first review I did for Blogsvertise. After I had submitted 5 reviews that had all been approved, I apply for a pay increase and this was approved and 30 days later as per Blogsvertise's terms and conditions, in total I completed 20 reviews all within 24 hours for each post, all for $25 for each review. The $25 payments are deposited into my Paypal account. A total of $500.
Hypothetically, it has now become public that I have started making positive comments on anti-homeschooling public schools. What would happen? What would you think of me and my pro-homeschooling convictions? I had the chance of refusing to write the reviews, but that I say that it was my personal financial preference. Would you not think me a hypocrite?
You can also read my blog which is devoted to homeschooling andeducation on:
At Home, At School, At Play - http://lec23.blogspot.com/index.html
I also contribute and have made quite a few homeschooling comments and postings on another homeschooling friendly website which is:
Home Schooling
On the Box (Good and Bad)
At Home, At School, At Play
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Send E-Mail to: remember1@ntlworld.com
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